

The Stillbirths Advocacy & Research In Africa Hub (SARAH) is a research entity formed through collaboration of researchers across Africa with the support of organisations such as UNICEF, CDC Africa and International Universities. The entity housed at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, within the Global Surgery Department.


The entity was formed in response to the 2.6 million stillborn babies each year globally. Of these, an overwhelming majority of 98% are occurring in low and middle-income countries and 75% occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. We understand that while stillbirths’ estimates have improved, in Sub-Saharan Africa stillbirths are poorly recorded (including the causes of the fetal deaths), underreported and available estimates based largely on statistical modelling.


Our overall objective is to track the incidences and definitive causes of stillbirths in Sub-Saharan Africa with the view of developing interventions to reduce their incidence including the use of vaccines for vaccine preventable causes.